Following a very successful Charity Stewards Sunday Lunch ( which had been postponed for a year due to the pandemic ) the funds raised at the Luncheon were allocated by the Worshipful Master to an organisation linked with the Alzheimer’s Society in Swansea.
Contact was made via the Dementia Friendly website in Swansea and the Musical Memories Choir led by Ros Evans and Hanna Davies were delighted to receive a donation from the Old Goreans Lodge of £300.00 towards the running costs of their very worthwhile activities within the Swansea area.
Brother Almoner Colin Reeve, Brother Charity Steward Ray Harris and Brother Secretary Howard Rose were invited to join the choir at their Christmas party at the Linden Christian Centre in West Cross Swansea where a very lively and thoroughly enjoyable morning was spent with friends and families of Dementia sufferers.
Everyone took part in and enjoyed the communal singing of old favourites together with fun quizzes and a very enjoyable buffet provided by the ladies of the linden Christian Centre, it was remarkable to witness the the obvious enjoyment of all who attended the joyous event and long may the good work of the volunteers of the Dementia Friendly Swansea group continue.