Congratulations are due to the following Old Gorean Brethren who have been honoured with promotion from the Provincial Grand Master R. W. Bro. D. Gerald Rowbottom.
W.Bro. G. Colin Morgan for his promotion to Past Provincial Grand Registrar in the Craft.
W.Bro. Leighton E. Lloyd for his promotion to Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in the Craft.
Likewise, W.Bro. A. Martin Evans for his promotion to Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in the Craft.
Promoted in the Provincial Grand Chapter of South Wales by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent D. Gerald Rowbottom was Excellent Companion Howard C. Rose to a Past Provincial Grand Sojourner.
The Brethren of the Old Goreans Lodge 7193 very much appreciate that the commitment and hard work of the four named Brethren has been recognised and rewarded by the Provincial Executive at the Investiture in Barry Memorial Hall on June 24th 2023.